First Year Paper 1 Introduction to Legal TheoryPaper 2 Constitutional Law of IndiaPaper 3 Legal Research MethodologyPaper 4 International Law ClusterPaper 4 Business Law Cluster Paper 5 Practical Research MethodologyPaper 6 Comparative Constitutional LawPaper 7 Lawmaking in Indian Polity and Statutory InterpretationPaper 8 Introduction to International Institution International Law ClusterPaper 8 Law of Contracts – General Principles Second Year Paper 9 Law and Social Transformation in IndiaPaper 10 Law, Science and TechnologyPaper 11 Private International LawPaper 11 Consumer LawPaper 12 Optional Paper 13 International Law Cluster, Principles of International Economic LawPaper 13 Banking and Negotiable Instruments ActPaper 14 Optional Syllabus (LL.M)