Sr. No.No. of FacultyName of ModuleSub TopicsTentative Dates
01.Asst. Prof. Bhumika RathodIntroductiona. Basic concepts b. Social Fact
c. Judicial Pluralism
d. Socialibility 
e. Historicity of law and Society
f. Law as a Social Fact
g. Law and Nation State
i. Legitimacy of Law
27/07/2024 – 29/07/2024
02.Dr. Meghna DeshpandeLaw and its Inter- relationship with Social Institutesa. Basic concepts and background of Module
b. Law and Social Institutes
c. Religion
d. Constitution
e. Community
f. Lingual Diversity
g. Other Social Institutes  (case study to all related topics)
30/07/2024 – 03/08/2024
03.Asst. Prof. Bhumika RathodSocial Transformation – Modernity and Lawa. Law as an Instrument of Social Change.
b. Social movements lead chnages in law.
c. Modernity and Law.
d. Community based reforms throigh law.
(case study to all related topics)
05/08/2024 – 08/08/2024
04.Dr. Meghna DeshpandeGender and Social Transformationa. Concept of Gender
b. Women movements and Law
c. Gender and legality : an international comparison
d. Transformation in Indian legal system : a gender perspective
09/08/2024 -13/08/2024