
ANTI RAGGING Undertaking by Students and Parents/Guardians

Fields marked with * are compulsory.

  • If you do not have an E mail address please create one before you fill in this form.
  • If your mother or father or guardian does not have a phone or a mobile phone or email then please give the numbers /email of their friends or relations or neighbors.
  • If you do not have a mobile number, then please give the mobile number of your friend in the college.

After filling this form successfully you will receive the Student’s Anti Ragging Undertaking and the Parents Anti Ragging Undertaking in your Email. Please print both the Undertaking, sign them yourself, request your parents to read the details and request them to sign their Undertaking and then present both at your college at the time of registration, each year.

Step by step process of filling the undertaking form

All the students are informed to follow the Campus Rules and code of conduct for students hosted in the college website.

  1. Ragging is totally prohibited in the campus. If any student is found indulge in ragging, severe action will be taken against the student.
  2. Based on the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India’s decision in the matter of “University of Kerala v/s. Council, Principals, Colleges and others” in SLP no. 24295 of 2006 dated 16.05.2007 and that dated 8.05.2009 in Civil Appeal number 887 of 2009, the UGC has issued Regulations and Guide lines.
    1. The UGC Regulations on “What Constitutes Ragging” is given in Annexure –I
    2. The UGC Guidelines on the award of punishment to those found guilty are also given in the Annexure II.
    3. As per the Campus Rules and Code of Conduct for students the Minor and Major Penalty that may be imposed on the student has also been given in the Annexure-III for information of the students.
    4. As per the guidelines the college should obtain undertaking from the students as well as from parents that the students will not indulge in any form of ragging. Format of the undertaking is attached in annexure IV & V.

The Anti-ragging squads for the college and the hostels will make round the clock surprise visits.

All the senior students are once again instructed during Principals Address not to indulge in any form of ragging. Collection of money forcefully from the fresher’s will also be considered as a form of ragging. In case of any trace of ragging by the students, severe punishment will be imposed.