

5.1.2 Capacity building and skills enhancement initiatives taken by the institution include the following

1.Soft skills

2.Language, communication and advocacy skills

3.Life skills (Yoga, physical fitness, health and hygiene)

4.Awareness about use of technology in legal process


Sr. No.ContentsPage No.
1.Guest Lecture on Cyber Forensic1
2.Digital Repository6
3.Law Finder8
4.Report on Statistics and Law9
5.Certificate Course in Civil and Criminal Practice19
6.Certificate course in Law and Economics48
7.Certificate Course in Medical Jurisprudence & Forensic Science100
8.Per Meditatus 2016-17148
9.Per Meditatus 2017-18194
10.Per Meditatus 2018-19212
11.Per Meditatus 2019-20230
12.Per Meditatus 2020-21329
13.Certificate Course in Corporate Law365
14.Guest Lecture on Handwriting Analysis461
15Language Lab 2017465
16Language Lab 2018468
17Induction Program – MOD Club 2019-20474
18Guest Lecture on Statistics and Law477
19Workshop on Research Methodology486
20Psychology Center502
21Yoga Session – Report512
22Induction Program on Psychological Counselling528
23Guest Lecture on Counselling531
24Student Counselling546
25Report on Guest Lecture – Motivational Speech – Soft Skill Development556
26Workshop on Skill Development561
27One Day Workshop on Soft Skill Development – Talk A Thon571