The top ribbon of our logo expresses our commitment to the society, which is imbibed in the Sanskrit statement “ज्ञानमयो भव,” transliterated as “Be knowledgeable”.

The letters P.E.S. (Progressive Education Society) are engraved in the center. Our institution aims to remain ‘Progressive’ and ‘Modern’; hence, all institutions run by the Progressive Education Society use these words to set us apart and continuously motivate us to strive to achieve new parameters of educational progress.
At the foot of the logo is ‘EXCELSIOR,’ an expression of perennial aspirations of higher attainment.
Progressive Education Society’s Modern Law College is based on two maxims-
‘Ignorantia Juris neminem excusat’ and ‘ Lex facit regem’.
‘Ignorantia Juris neminem excusat’ means Ignorance of Law excuses no one. The maxim states that all citizens be acquainted with the law and follow it in letter and spirit. As the college’s vision is to develop legal, logical, and ethical youth for the benefit of society, the college strives to reduce the ignorance of the law by providing quality legal education.

To develop Legal, Logical
and Ethical Youth
for the benefit of the Society.

To create multidisciplinary best citizens to suit the local, national and international needs, having legal temperament, moral, ethical values and multifaceted proactive personality, by providing excellent education.
The Objectives of the college:
The strength of legal education is found in the maxim- ‘Lex facit Regem,’ which means law Makes the Kind. So if the law is stronger than the king himself, the significance of the law and legal education in the life of an ordinary person is of utmost importance.
One of the reasons for the above principle, besides social obligations, is depicted in the vision statement of the PES MLC. Thus, we can see that Progressive Education Society established Modern Law College, Pune, with a vision to provide quality-based legal education.
Our objectives are communicated to the students, teachers, staff, and other stakeholders:
- Through Principal’s Address at the commencement of the academic year
- Through college prospectus, publications, essential college documents, parent institute, and College website.
- By displaying the ‘Mission Statement’ at a prominent place in the college premises.
- Formally in classes and during staff meetings.
- Informal counseling during academic sessions and personal interactions with students and staff.
- Through parent meetings and functions, activities arranged in college from time to time