MLC Library provides text similarity detection in research articles, theses, dissertations, research reports etc. facility to faculty members, research scholars and students of the college. The URKUND software, namely OURIGINAL by Turnitin is award-winning software that helps detect and prevent plagiarism regardless of language.
What documents:
Research paper, thesis, dissertation, chapters in books, full-fledged books and any other similar work submitted for assessment / opinion leading to the award of master and research level degrees shall be checked for plagiarism.
Required File Format
For documents in English:- MS Word / searchable PDF
Faculty, Research Scholars and Students may send their document by email to A particular document can be checked up to three times only.
Eligible users can avail text similarity checking facility on all working days during 10:00 AM to 04:00 PM on Monday to Saturday.
Plagiarism Report:
The downloaded report is forwarded to the user’s E-mail ID on next working day
(Note: – Users are advised to send the document for plagiarism check three days prior to last date of submission).