
Personal Interviews for PhD Admission 2021

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It is hereby informed to all the eligible candidates that personal Interview for PhD Admission is scheduled from 12 Nov to 25 Nov 2021. Detailed schedule will be displayed 30 Oct 2021.

  1. Reporting Time at Modern Law College Research Centre: 9:30 am
  2. Eligible candidates are required to bring 5 hard copies of their Research Proposals.
  3. Instructions to the Candidates appearing for the interview:

Eligible candidates are required to discuss their research interest/area before a duly constituted Selection Committee.

The following aspects shall be considered during the interview, namely:

  1. Whether the candidate possesses the competence for the proposed research;
  2. Whether the research work can be suitably undertaken at the Institution/College;
  3. Whether the proposed area of research can contribute to new/additional knowledge.

The candidate shall produce all the required documents in ORIGINAL as mentioned in Notification dated 11/08/2021 along with one set of photocopy, including online application for Ph.D. PET Entrance Examination 2021, at the time of personal interview. Further, following documents, as applicable should be produced:

  • Result of PET Entrance Examination 2021.
  • Photo copy of UGC-NET (Including JRF) / UGC-CSIR NET
  • (Including JRF) /SET/GATE (valid score) Certificate.
  • Photo copy of M.Phil. Degree Certificate of SPPU.

The candidates shall note the following:

  • They shall report at the centre One hour before scheduled time.
  • They have to appear before the panel on scheduled day and time only. In any circumstances, the late comers will not be allowed and there will not be any “out of turn” chance given to the late comers.
  • Candidates can appear for interview only once at the chosen research centre.
  • Appearing for interview at multiple centres shall lead to disqualification candidate.
  • TA/DA will not be provided to the candidates for attending the interview.

View University Circular

Start Time

12:00 am

November 12, 2021

Finish Time

12:00 am

November 25, 2021

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